Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Test 3

Test 3

This test is worth 10% of your final grade. We discussed this material during our lectures and most it can be found in your notes. You may need to research some of these on the web. Remember, google is your friend. Your test is due next Wed. (April 15th). Feel free to email me should you have any questions.

Test Questions:

America’s form of government is bicameral Government. Describe in detail what that means and how it works.

How often are Senators and Reps elected? How does this impact on our political system?

There are significant differences between the two chambers of Congress, the House and the Senate. Describe some of these and how they affect our political process.

What is Redistricting and how does it affect our political system?

What is the political significance of Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review?

This is a difficult question, but I want you to try to describe the following concept: Before a case can be heard in U.S. Courts there must be a “case and controversy” and the plaintiff, that is the party that’s filing suit, must have “standing.” Describe these concepts to the best of your ability.

What are legal precedents and what is their importance?

What is the power of the bully pulpit? Which branch generally is said to hold this power?

What are “non-justiciable” cases?

Essay: Miss Doe has arrived in Congress as a member of the House of Representatives. She’s hired you, her former campaign manager, to help her get her first bill through Congress. This bill would read as follows: THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WILL IMMEDIATELY DEPLOY ALL TROOPS STATIONED IN IRAQ BACK TO THE UNITED STATES. She asks you to prepare her a memo telling her about the different branches of government, Executive, Legislative and Supreme Court, as well as the bureaucracy, and how these could affect her bill. Tell me, in your words, what are some of the things she should be aware of with respect to each of the four.

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