Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Next Test

Your next test will consist of a single essay answer to the following question:

1. West Liberty is participating in a project known as the New Cities Institute initiative. At the end of this process, leading citizens of the community will come together and decide on a course of action… a plan… on how to make the community a “New City.” The plans might include economic development proposals, recreation ideas, etc. Using the political linkages of the policy pyramid, analyze how this process might work.


  1. Our West Liberty Community is planning on making a new cities institute group. That means that a certain group of citizens are going to get together and produce a group to help make West Liberty a better place. Such as if they think that Morgan County needs a new extension to their education department. If the citizens believe we need a better place for the community to go for fun such as a bowling alley or arcade games. By using the political linkages I am going to compare each one to the plan that the group has. I am going to starting with the political parties of the level and explain that first. Political parties are a very important part of the government’s actions. For our plan political parties can help support our group. Such as if we need political help or opinions you could go to a political party for help. The party could support the idea and talk about it to other politics, to get their opinion also. Interest groups are the next part of the level. Interest groups are the groups that are interested in a plan and want to help and participate in the plan. Such as the Women’s Club, Kiwanis’s Club, and etc. Can help support and participate in the plan. Media is the process of radio, newspaper, flyers, and the community in general. The radio can announce certain points to your plan. The radio or the newspaper can advertise your plan to the community. The citizens of the community may not have computers etc. to get information from them so they could get information from the newspaper or radio. Public opinions have a lot to do with the level of political linkage the public has opinions of their own that count very strongly to the plan. If the public doesn’t agree and like your plan then they won’t vote for the plan. Then your plan won’t pass to be processed in the community. The last level would be elections which is the voting of the citizens. If elections didn’t happen then your plan would never be in progress. Such as if the citizens don’t like the plan then they won’t vote for the plan. Then your plan won’t pass from the government’s part. If you don’t have the political linkage level involved and interested in your plan then your plan won’t pass in the process. If you use the political pyramid then your plan will have a better chance of working.

  2. In hopes of making West Liberty a better place highly ranked officials of the West Liberty community have come up with a plan known as “New City”, within this plan lies a lot of good ideas that would make West Liberty not only a better place for the people but the youth as well. Some of the ideas that are associated with this plan include economic development proposals and recreation ideas which are things that Morgan County desperately needs help with. And with the backing of community leaders and the people of Morgan County these ideas can very easily become reality and get done and make West Liberty a better place. By using the different links of the Political Linkages I really think that the “New City” plan would have a high success rate. Out of all of the linkages I think that Public Opinion is the most important if you can get a community to agree and support the idea then it would really help the plan fall into place because with any new idea you need support to make it work, but first you are going to need to get the word out about the plan so that’s when the media of West Liberty can help out a lot. Ads could be placed in the Licking Valley Courier and on the radio to inform the people of the new idea and plan. Once the word is out and you have the attention of the community then maybe a community meeting could be held and Interest Groups could talk to the people and promote the ideas and get the opinions from the people to see what their outlook is on the issues. The next step on the linkages is elections a person running for office really could get a lot support and votes but backing up the “New City” plan. If the people think that someone is going to shape up this city there would be no reason for them to not get the vote. I truly feel that if the steps of the Political Linkages system were used to promote the “New City” plan it would be a big success. Any plan like this can work if they are people willing to dedicate their time to it and really want to make West Liberty a better place.

  3. The new cities institute initiative is a project in which leaders of West Liberty will come together to make West Liberty a better city. This could consist of recreational activities, new business such as restaurants, or an improvement in education. Through out this our interest group will utilize the policy pyramid to determine the influences on each decision.
    West Liberty has few recreational activities for its youth as well as its adults. We will utilize the political linkages of the policy pyramid to determine how a bowling ally would be effected by the decisions of our community and its leaders. Public opinion interest groups, and the media will be the main three political linkages we will utilize. Some of West Liberty may oppose the addition of a bowling ally as odd as it seams they may. There for you must decide the odds, how many will approve and how many will dis approve. Churches, clubs and other organizations will be our interest groups. They will be our support when the project is undergoing construction (not the building part). The media will be our ally when it comes to the advertising of our bowling ally.
    The city of West Liberty has very few non fast food restaurants. The idea of adding a nice restaurant for example Applebee’s or something of that nature would not only be a opportunity of employment but an area of recreation. Depending on the selection of the restaurant it may grasp certain interest groups such as churches if it is in fact a restaurant like Applebee’s because alcohol is served at most Applebee’s. The city/county is a “dry” county meaning it is illegal to serve alcoholic beverages. The city/county would under go an election which is another part of the political linkages to determine the distribution of alcohol. During the weeks before the election those who favor the idea of selling and distributing alcohol would encourage people to come vote the may due this through the news paper our major mean of media.
    At the end of June by early fall the city of West Liberty/Morgan County will be electing a new Superintendent for its educational department. He/she will be facing new educational opportunities. One could be the addition of an alternative school which has been in the minds of most school directors and its employees. The school would take in students with the ability to learn but the lack of interest to learn and the ones who wish to constantly stir trouble. Our city at the moment is fighting a drug problem just like the rest of this state as well as others. Lets attack it where it may hurt us the worst our schools. By using the political linkages we will consider our options. All of the political linkages would be used, lets start with the election. In order to add an alternative school we would need to first catch the publics attention and advertise the opportunity, maybe we would use the news paper to get people to vote in an election for the addition of this school. For the most part the interest groups we could tag would be churches due the constant drug problem and the groups who organize community service activates because they could use the extra help…hint, misbehaver at the alternative school could result in community service. Democrats would probably fall for this idea more because they tend to strive for better educational opportunities.
    Through out our campaign we will help this New Cities Institute initiative help us make our city of west liberty a better, “NEW CITY”. We must all work together no matter the task because a closed fist is stronger than an open hand.

  4. Key officials and the planning committee met and discussed the plans on making West Liberty a new city in order to make it a better place to live, better recreation and more jobs.
    Civic groups and concerned citizens will be working together in order to improve the recreation for the youth of our community. Key officials for the city of West Liberty and county government officials will be working together trying to come up with the proper infrastructure to bring more jobs to the citizens of our community.
    The political parties will be a very important part of this plan. Without support from our political parties the voice of the citizens may not be enough to make this happen. The political parties can talk to other members of the parties and get their support of the plans set forth.
    Support from other groups such as the Lions Club. Kiwanis Club and our local Woman’s Club can voice their opinions and help set the plan in motion. These support groups, key officials and concerned citizens will discuss the improvement of the skate park, construction of an arcade game center inside the community center and having better hours to serve the community and having better access for the youth.
    City, County officials, and all political parties involved will be laying out the plans and contacting factories and automobile makers like Toyota with the possibility of constructing a factory in our new city.
    Our local radio station and newspapers will be our source for getting the word out to the community. Flyers with important meeting dates will be available at different areas in the county. Keeping the citizens informed gives this plan a better vote toward yes.
    It is very important that all officials city, county, state, civic groups and concerned citizens all working together to make our new city a very prosper and worthwhile place for the people of all ages to be proud of. The political pyramid must be used in order for this plan to work.

  5. Public opinion, Interest groups, media, political parties, elections
    The people of West Liberty have decided to engage in a program called The New Cities Initiatives. This program is to help improve West Liberty, socially, economically, and educationally. The people in this group are city officials, who care about West Liberty, and bettering it for the future generations. The group will come up with a plan called “New City”, but in order to get this plan into process a lot of different things are going to have to come together.
    Public opinion is one of the main strategies used to get a point across. Our group is helping them in this area, by setting up a blog and a facebook group for people to share their comments. This will allow the city officials to see the inputs of the ordinary people, the people who make up most of the population in West Liberty. This is also and easy way to get the inputs of the younger ages, like the high teens and twenty year olds, they are the future. If we can get a lot of positive feedback from the public then it will be easier to engage in the “New City” plan.
    Another thing that plays a major part in the way things happen is interest groups, such as club organizations, and churches. Clubs and churches can come together and campaign; they have a lot of say in people’s lives. A lot of people will do what ever their church or club believes in. Then the people in theses churches and clubs will spread the word to their family and friends about the new cities initiative and make our group well known.
    The media plays a big role in the way people perceive things. If the media bashes something then everyone else will find the bad things in it to. But if the media gives positive feedback to people then more people will be interested in something. We are going to use the media to post ads in our local news paper, and hopefully do a talk show kind of thing on our local radio.
    We have to find common ground when dealing with political parties, because if one republican or democrat doesn’t agree with something the rest of their group will follow. When dealing with political parties you need to have positive outcomes, because the parties have a lot of say in our little town of West Liberty. If we can get the main Political people in our society to agree with the plan we are trying to support then most everyone else will follow what they believe.
    As you can see public opinion, interest groups, media, and political parties will all play a major role in our new cities initiative program. If we can get all these people on our side, then we shouldn’t have a problem making our “New cities plan” to achieve its goal.

  6. The New Cities Initiative will help West Liberty become a better city for the people that live here. These groups is where people in our community come together and discuss ideas that could help West Liberty with different things such as the financials part of the city. Some things that may be discussed are public opinion on the matter, interests groups, the media, political parties, and elections.
    In order to get this group going and giving them the ability to actually help West Liberty you would need citizens from West Liberty to partake in this change. This is known as public opinion, if the community doesn’t agree with New Cities then there won’t be any way that they could bring a change. Some ways that we could get the public opinion would be through surveys and polls. This would give New Cities a better idea of what the community would like to see happened and if New Cities starts off proposing to do the things that we want to see done then they would get a lot of support from the citizens of West Liberty.
    Another group of people that we would need to agree with the New Cities Initiative would be interest groups. Interests groups are groups such as churches and clubs that are in the community, which would be affected by the changes of the New Cities ideas. New Cities could propose things that would affect these groups in a positive way exchange for their back up from them.
    The media could affect interests groups and public opinion very easily. The only thing that we would have to do is get someone who is well known and liked in the community to go along with our ideas. This person could talk positively about it and win over the support of other people. We could run things through The Licking Valley Courier that would promote good publicity for the group, or we could run adds through the radio where everyone listens to it, it would be an easy promotion for the group.
    If the New Cities Initiative got the political parties involved in the process it would help endorse the ideas for the group. Just about everyone you know is either democrat or republican so they would just assume to trust the political leaders over their party. We could do this by talking one on one with some politicians from each group to let them know what it is that we want done and get them to agree with us so that that we could go on with the plan.
    The New Cities Initiative should use all of these methods when announcing their ideas to the general public. Even though you can’t win them all you can win most of them, and that is the big idea. We have to have support from each group in order to help get the idea out there and get this plan in action.
    Kara Lewis

  7. The New Cities Initiative is a wonderful group for our community. Our community needs to have more activities for the citizens. Not just for those who live in Morgan County but for those that may visit here. Bringing in revenue would help the community in so many ways; it would help us create new recreational facilities, beautify the city and draw in others to enjoy our little town. So, to do this we must:
    1.Be well informed of what we plan to do and why it will help our community.
    2.Get the public involved: speak on the local radio station, place ads in the paper, make announcements at local events, and hand out flyers.
    3.Put the word out on the internet with blogs and internet groups.
    4.And, Talk to politicians to inform them of what the citizens are looking for in their community. Get them involved in our efforts.
    I think if we do these things it will make a great opportunity for this community and its citizens.

  8. As the time comes as the West Liberty New Cities Institute Initiative begins to gain momentum plans are being formed on how to make the community a “New City”. As this group of leading citizens of the community come together and decide on a plan of action things will come about involving the community’s public opinion, interest groups, media, political parties, and elections.
    As the community begins to work towards a “New City” public opinion will come into play as a factor of getting things accomplished. If the opinion of the public does not agree with what is going on for the community nothing will ever be accomplished. To let the community easily voice its opinions you can set up things like a blog or a Facebook group to allow others of any group, age, or diversity to voice their opinion about what is going on. The community’s public opinion will allow the leaders of the group to make any kind of formal decision upon what the group as whole want.
    Working towards our “New City” as a group the West Liberty New Cities Institute Initiative will have to deal with interest groups as well. As the group proposes things these groups should be considered they have a large amount of local pull with the community. Groups such as the Kiwanis club and the Rotary Club all do things in the community to help as well. The group should do things that would influence these other groups and make them want to work with us. This would be another way of getting our word out to the community, thus allowing us to speak to a larger crowd with less leg work. Word of mouth goes a very large distance in a small community.
    As the West Liberty New Cities Institute Initiative continues to gain momentum we must also have to use the media one the process of word of mouth has become unable to convey our message. We can use things such as news papers, radio, and local TV stations. The group could elect someone for each to tell how we plan to bring economic growth or recreation for basic examples to help our community grow. This would allow us to reach further into the community and maybe get more people involved.
    At someone point the group will also have to deal with political parties. In all communities there is a certain divide between the groups of republicans and democrats. When dealing with the groups though there will have to be some form of a neutral area. The West Liberty New Cities Institute Initiative will have to find an area of interest that affects both sides. When this common ground of sorts are met the groups will better be able to work with us to accomplish their goals for the community as well as our own. Thus allowing our public officials to speak out for our group in a way that will allow for growth in the community.
    Something that as of right now currently doesn’t affect our plans are elections. Currently though the upcoming elections are a bit off in the distance. Depending on how long we work toward reaching our goals though elections may play a large role in accomplishing the goals of the West Liberty New Cities Institute Initiative. If the New Cities Initiative of West Liberty begins accomplishing goals towards making West Liberty a better place for all some officials may decide to hop on the train just so they get re-elected. For this program to work though this is a vital part. Any sign of help from campaigning groups is a plus for us.
    -David Bolin
