Saturday, March 7, 2009

Next Test II

FYI... see this link about your test. You'll print these on this site and I just invited all of you to become bloggers here:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Congress is Like a Whiskey Drinker....

"CONGRESS IS LIKE A whiskey drinker," President Lyndon Johnson once observed. "You can put an awful lot of whiskey into a man if you just let him sip it," he said. "But if you try to force the whole bottle down his throat at one time, he'll throw it up."The 36th president and former Senate majority leader was referring to Congress's ability to produce legislative outcomes -- too much activity inebriates the system.

Next Test

Your next test will consist of a single essay answer to the following question:

1. West Liberty is participating in a project known as the New Cities Institute initiative. At the end of this process, leading citizens of the community will come together and decide on a course of action… a plan… on how to make the community a “New City.” The plans might include economic development proposals, recreation ideas, etc. Using the political linkages of the policy pyramid, analyze how this process might work.