Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama's Inaugural Address

Part 1 of 2:


  1. To me the Inaugural speech was quite amazing it was the first time for me ever seeing anything like that. It was neat for Mr. Obama to talk about how we was going to remake America and how it was everyone’s job to help. That is something that everyone should be concern about. I am worried that they wont be money for children to go to college and I liked how he addressed that situation.
    I enjoyed watching the first African American come it to office. I think that Mr. Obama will do his best in assisting us and bring us out of our rescissions. For me and the rest of America it was history in the making. I was proud to be alive and see this life changing event.
    Bridgett Hamilton

  2. The inauguration of Barack Obama will certainly become an event for the history books. If I ever have grandchildren, they would more than likely have to read this speech as an assignment for a Social Studies class. Perhaps I may be exaggerating a bit on that last part, but there is no doubt that Obama's inaugural speech will be remembered. It is bold, eloquent, and it hits nail on the head on many issues we currently are facing. I like the fact that he blames America as a whole instead of just the government for our economic crisis. After all, society and culture are structural elements right at the base of that nifty little policy pyramid. I also like the fact that he encourages us to unite and put our differences aside in order to reach our goals. I believe that problems such as discrimination and being overly-partisan has been plaguing this country far too long.

    Still, I may have to side a bit with the "cynics" when it comes to the means of achieving all of Obama's goals. I'm not sure about the practicality of handling so many things while our economy is teetering over the edge of the toilet. I would love to see health care, education, environmental policies, etc. reformed in order to make life better for us all. But where are we going to get the money? Borrowing? Taxes? A wizard? If Obama can manage to do what he says he will with some brilliant plan he has up his sleeve, he will become the best president ever in my eyes. I suppose all that we can do now is wait and see.

    Cathy Conley

  3. President Obama's Inaugural speech was a very interesting and strongful speech. Obama has a great speaking voice to give speeches. This is The United States of America's first biracial president in history.
    In President Obama's speech he talked or mentioned about culture. He spoke of two cultures Muslim and another culture. He didn't mention Americans to that affect. It just concerned myself in his phrase about culture. Even though President Obama may be the change that The United States need.


  4. First I will say that I did not vote for President Obama because of his stance on abortion and several other issues we disagree on. However, I believe that we must get behind him and support him! He has a very hard job ahead of him without a doubt. I will say that I am so greatful that he addressed our economy, which is so messed up right now. He talked about not favoring only those who prosper and that is very important. Everyone should be treated equal...we are ALL Americans and whether we are rich or poor we all deserve the same chances in life.

    I also like that he addressed our healthcare system. Being a Nursing student, I am concerned that there are so many without the access to health insurance which can be a huge hardship and healthcare is way to expensive.

    I also appreciated the fact that he commented on our freedom and what we will do if someone threatens our way of life...

    "We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you."

    ...because our safety is important! He also addressed our soldiers overseas and their families...taking care of them is so important because they are the ones putting themselves in harms way to keep us free. They are all heros. I have several family members in the military and I appreciate his commitment to help their families! I hope that he can keep his promises, because rarely does it ever happen. We shall see.

    Melissa D.

  5. As I watched the inaugural speech I thought of how years ago this would not have been possible. Times have changed since our forfathers. I think America is ready for a change, but, I think it will take more than one term for President Obama to achieve the goals he has set. Melissa S.

  6. As usual President Obama delivered an excelent speech,which was both interesting and thought provoking.This speech also outlined what President Obama hopes to do during his term in office. Also during this speech he discussed the economy and the state of our country and he discussed his readiness to deal with our economic problems.
    He also discusses public opinion when he talks about "the nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable." He addresses this commonly held belief with refreshing and uplifting optimism. In the second half of his speech President Obama also discusses the International system when he says "Know that America is a friend to each nation... we will extend our hand if you will unclench your fist."
    President Obama's inaguration was an historic event and his speech will likely be remembered for generations. I certainly hope that he can accomplish all he has set to accomplish.
    Amanda F.

  7. I feel that that president obama's speech was a historical event.Our first black president,I feel proud of the american people ,that they have overcame most of their racical views,I feel he will be a good president and will change the oconomy and standards for america
